omak+manta+haya| 大象之间打招呼有何讲究?国际最新动物学研究揭秘

来源: 新华社
2024-05-11 12:08:39







Omak, Manta, and Haya: An Extraordinary Trio


In the vast oceans, hidden beneath the waves, lie some of the most extraordinary creatures that have ever existed. Among them, three stand out for their exceptional abilities and unique characteristics - Omak, Manta, and Haya. Let us embark on a captivating journey to explore these fascinating beings. This article will delve into their distinct features and shed light on their importance in the underwater ecosystem.

1. Omak: The Master of Camouflage

Omak, also known as the mimic octopus, captivates scientists and marine enthusiasts with its unparalleled ability to mimic other sea creatures. This brilliant cephalopod possesses extraordinary camouflage skills, adapting seamlessly to its environment. With almost supernatural abilities, it can transform its appearance to mimic various marine organisms like venomous creatures or harmless landscapes, warding off predators effectively. Through its exquisite mimicry, Omak secures its survival by blending effortlessly into any surroundings.

Moreover, Omak's intelligence is staggering, making it capable of solving complex puzzles and finding creative solutions to escape tricky situations. The creature's advanced problem-solving skills and adaptability not only ensure its individual survival but also contribute significantly to the evolutionary continuity of its species. Understanding Omak's remarkable abilities can unlock novel insights into the world of camouflage and aid in the development of cutting-edge technologies inspired by nature.

2. Manta: The Graceful Giant

The majestic Manta ray, with its wide wingspan and graceful moves, commands attention wherever it glides through the ocean depths. These gentle giants captivate both researchers and tourists alike, leaving an everlasting impression of their beauty and grace. Despite their immense size, Mantas are harmless to humans and possess a peaceful nature, relying on plankton as their primary source of sustenance.

Manta rays possess extraordinary filtration systems, enabling them to consume substantial amounts of tiny food particles, playing a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of the oceans. They are known as the cleaning experts of the seas, voraciously feeding on microscopic organisms and thus preventing overgrowth in certain marine populations. Additionally, as they navigate vast distances annually, these magnificent creatures transport organic matter between habitats, fostering nutrient distribution and supporting the overall health of marine ecosystems.

3. Haya: The Environmental Indicator

Haya, a tiny but essential species of fish, is crucial to understanding the state of underwater ecosystems. With its well-developed sensory organs, this vigilant species monitors water quality and acts as an environmental indicator, providing valuable insights into the health of marine habitats. The presence or absence of Haya can indicate pollution levels, nutrient imbalances, or even the effects of climate change.

Furthermore, Haya plays a pivotal role as a prey item for larger marine predators, helping to maintain the delicate balance within the food chain. Their population dynamics offer clues about the overall state of oceanic biodiversity, making them a key species for conservation efforts. Protecting Haya and understanding their habitat requirements can help preserve marine environments and create sustainable practices for the future.


In the mesmerizing realm of the oceans, Omak, Manta, and Haya showcase remarkable characteristics that contribute significantly to the intricate web of marine life. Through their exceptional abilities, these three species play distinct roles in maintaining ecological equilibrium, inspiring awe and admiration in all who learn about them. Understanding and preserving these extraordinary creatures is crucial for the conservation and sustenance of our oceans for generations to come.

  中新网北京5月10日电 (记者 孙自法)大象和同伴以什么方式打招呼、有何讲究?施普林格·自然旗下专业学术期刊《通讯-生物学》最新发表一篇动物学研究论文称,一项对9头象开展的研究显示,非洲象(Loxodonta africana)会根据另一头象是否在看自己决定打招呼的方式。该研究还发现,象会在打招呼时使用动作(如拍打耳朵)和发声的不同组合,这或许能增加个体辨识度和社交联结。

非洲象多玛(雄性)和马伊诺斯(雄性)打招呼。多马张开耳朵,伸出象鼻触碰马尼奥斯的嘴。马伊诺斯张开并竖起耳朵(图片来自Vesta Eleuteri)。施普林格·自然/供图


非洲象多玛(雄性)和卡里巴(雌性)打招呼。多玛一边拍打耳朵一边碰触卡里巴的颞腺,卡里巴张开耳朵(图片来自Vesta Eleuteri)。施普林格·自然/供图

  在本项研究中,论文共同通讯作者、奥地利维也纳大学Vesta Eleuteri和Angela Stoeger和合作者一起,通过观察2021年11月至12月津巴布韦贾富塔保护区(Jafuta Reserve)的半圈养非洲草原象,研究了象打招呼时的发声和身体动作。他们观察到89次打招呼事件,包含1282次打招呼行为,其中1014次为身体动作,268次为发声。

非洲象多玛(雄性)和卡里巴(雌性)打招呼。多玛伸鼻向卡里巴同时张开耳朵。卡里巴张开耳朵(图片来自Riccardo Soriano)。施普林格·自然/供图


非洲象多玛(雄性)和马伊诺斯(雄性)打招呼,它们互相揉蹭头部(图片来自Vesta Eleuteri)。施普林格·自然/供图


非洲象多玛(雄性)和卡里巴(雌性)打招呼,多玛将象鼻伸向卡里巴,卡里巴张开耳朵(图片来自Vesta Eleuteri)。施普林格·自然/供图





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